Support your skin regimen with our new Beauty Bank!
Achieving beautiful skin is a long term process. Just like maintaining your workout routine, or a healthy diet - in order for skin to look great, a long term plan is required, and sticking to a consistent regimen is key. As much as we’d like to solve ALL of your skin and facial aging concerns in one visit - human physiology doesn’t work like that. Consistent med-grade skincare at home and regular office visits for injectables are what create next-level satisfaction and confidence.
As your aesthetic provider, Skinbeam exists to help you achieve your long term skin goals, stay on your regimen and make it accessible and affordable. In 2025, we are striving to provide you a convenient, affordable way to stay on your customized skin regimen, including med-grade topicals and injectables. Enter: the Beauty Bank.
The Beauty Bank is a way for you to electronically set aside money each month to use at Skinbeam, allowing you to break your total spend up into smaller $90 monthly bites. Members of the beauty bank will receive 15% off all of their Dysport, Botox and 25% off all medical grade skincare as well as priority booking, and a freebie on your birthday annually. This will be hosted by PRIVI. Our goal is to help you achieve your best skin by increasing the affordability and convenience of our two most impactful and requested services - tox and medical grade skincare. All of our "regulars" will save money by opting into the beauty bank - AND you can use it in addition to your Aspire and Alle savings.
Link to join Beauty Bank:
We are up and running with Patient Fi, which is a pay-over-time feature, and a bit different than the beauty bank. Patient Fi is great to spread out payments on the bigger-ticket treatments, and the Beauty Bank is best when you get regular Dysport treatments (that's almost all of you!)
Link to Patient Fi application for Skinbeam: