Longer, darker, thicker eyelashes with Latisse

Many people desire longer, darker, fuller eyelashes. There are many eyelash serums on the market, but Latisse is the first and only FDA approved (research proven) eyelash booster on the market. Originally, bimatoprost, which is the generic name for Latisse, was used to reduce pressure inside the eye for people with glaucoma. It was then found that bimatoprost also produced longer, darker, thicker eyelashes, and Latisse was born in 2008. Latisse is proven to work after 16 weeks of nightly application above the top lashes. Blue or green-eyed people may experience eye pigmentation changes (primarily enlargement of any brown flecks in the iris). Most likely not, but during your initial consultation, prior to initiating Latisse we will discuss this further if you have blue or green irises. Dark brown-eyed people  - no pigmentation precautions. 

     When applied nightly, the 5 ml Latisse bottle lasts about 4 months. It should be applied nightly initially to produce a good result. Afterward, once in the maintenance phase, Latisse may be applied every other night, thus making that bottle last twice as long.


Toxbooster: VI Peel + Dysport or Botox


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